
曼顿培训网(www.mdpxb.com),是北京曼顿企业管理咨询有限公司(以下简称北京曼顿咨询)旗下网站。是总部位于美国的国际职业认证标准联合会在北京地区授权的培训考试及认证单位[认证号:IOCL086132],同时也是 香港培训认证中心授权的培训认证机构[认证号:HKTCC(GZ)A1.. 招生资质: 已认证
学校优势: 企业内训方面/公开课方面
咨询电话: 13810210257
2017/11/24 10:11:18 来源:北京曼顿企业管理咨询有限公司 [加入收藏]

【举办单位】北京曼顿培训网 www.mdpxb.com 中国培训资讯网 www.e71edu.com
【咨询电话】4006820825 010-56133998 13810210257
All levels of staff, who wish to sharpen their professional email style, improve logic,
structure and learn vital tools for cross - cultural communication. Avoid using the same repetitive sentences, and build a more professional, varied language base.

This course is designed to improve:
1. Structure and logic of email communication at international level
2. Adapt your sender / receiver mind-set
3. Enhance understanding of cross-cultural writing aspects
4. Avoid repetitive misunderstandings at distance
5. Make your language more sophisticated with business English phrases
6. Maximise confidence for writing emails

1. Problems in modern communication
■Analysis – why did they happen
■Preventing future problems

2. Changing your mindset for effective communication
■Receiver perception
■Open minded approach
■Confidence building

3. Tips for effective writing
■Thinking & planning
■Writing a logical outline
■Knowing your audience

4. Structuring
■Basic guidelines
■Sequencing information logically
■Selecting relevant information
■Paragraph linking
■Exercise of structuring

5. Linguistic style differences
■Cross - cultural understanding
■British vs. USA vs. China

6. Standard phrases
■Phrases for opening and closing
■Standard phrases in correspondence
■Writing exercise

7. Understanding differences in tone
■Analysis of tone in e-mails
■How to use modal verbs tone
■The art of being diplomatic

8. Preparing for difficult situations
■Language for apologies
■Announcing bad news
■Greetings & wishes

9. Standard templates
■Sample of proposals
■Sample of business letters
■Sample of complaint letter
■Sending quotation to customer

10. QAF – Questions, Answers, Feedback

2、报名咨询:4006820825 010-56133998 56028090 13810210257 鲍老师
5、详细资料请访问北京曼顿培训网:www.mdpxb.com (每月在全国开设四百多门公开课,欢迎报名学习)


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